Room type*
Render style*
Precise: Attention to uploaded image
Creative: Generates flexible options
Prompt (Optional)
Negative prompt (Optional)
Similarity level*
Select module*
Make sure you uploaded an empty room image
Modifying is available on desktop
Input image*
Inpaint the area you want to modify
Furnish room: Upload an empty room and virtually stage the room with furniture.
Number of images*
Seed: 15315451353516613
To generate similar images, use this seed number.
Number of variations
Seed: 15315451353516613
To generate similar images, use this seed number.
Number of variations
Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to customize this theme across your site. You can update and reuse text themes.
Modify Room Generator
• Upload a photo of a room.
• Use the brush tool to select areas for modification.
• Describe the new furniture or decor features (e.g., 'sofa with a sectional couch, glass coffee table, sleek rug on the floor').
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